When you have enough money, you can get away with anything. Some people get away with everything.
It's the summer of 2007 and the unsuspecting world is on the verge of sinking into the Great Recession. Coral Leven is visiting her wealthy friend Rose McCrary in super-upscale Palm Beach while attempting to finish her poetic thesis on the destruction of coral reefs. Across the Intracoastal Waterway from the McCrary mansion sits another vast estate, the site of weekend galas and wild parties. When Rose's cousin moves in next door to the party palace, Coral falls for him. And Rose finds out his neighbor is her long lost lover Gary Blass.
Doyle and Coral set up a reunion for the lovers, who are thrilled to be together again. But there's trouble in paradise. Doyle and Gary have business with the Great Getzstein, a secretive Palm Beach billionaire with weird and dangerous passions, a character whose profile may remind you of Jeffrey Epstein.
A classic American love and loss story, Coral's affair with glittery Palm Beach tackles some of the most pressing issues of our time—including what separates the rich from the rest of us.
Available from the publisher and Amazon
Girls just wanna have guns.
Males are almost always the perpetrators of mass shootings. But females are fully capable of shocking acts of violence and, in the US, military-style weapons are as easy to access as a new hairstyle.
Project XX is a biting satire of the American obsession with violent destruction in the midst of rampant materialism. The darkly humorous story of girls on a rampage will grip you by the throat and not let go until you gasp for breath on the last page.
Website by FCE Web Design
"Pistol in Beer Glass" by Boaz Yiftach from: FreeDigitalPhotos.net